aniket Jena pfp

Aniket Jena

Medical Student

What lies within the heart of a seemingly harmless fruit?

What lies within the heart of a seemingly harmless fruit

After my bioethics lesson was completed, i was just daydreaming and pondering on how people are like apples. 

An apple, a symbol of health, holds the potential for both. Its flesh, a source of vitamins and antioxidants, keeps the doctor away. Yet, hidden within its core, lies cyanide, a deadly poison that can end your life. This duality mirrors the human psyche. We are a tapestry of contradictions: kindness and cruelty, love and hate, woven together. Like the apple, our exterior promises health, while our hidden depths harbor darkness. 

Psychologically, this reflects the Freudian concept of the id(the most primitive part of the human personality)and superego - our primal instincts battling against societal constraints. The apple's sweetness tempts, much like the id's desires, while the seed's danger represents the superego's warnings. 

We are all, in essence, an apple – a complex blend of good and evil, waiting to be unveiled.

